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it is difficult to feed the material from outside (and the price of sand from outside is higher than that of crushed stone) mm d100 63.5 50 52 50 50 d 90 45 27 41 22 21 d 80 36 22 32 20 17 d 50 19 15 18 14 10 Table 4.This kind of impact stone crusher is a kind of hig h-efficient strong coarse and mid crushing equipment we company produced .And the an ti how stone crusher size determinationit is difficult to feed the material from outside (and the price of sand from outside is higher than that of crushed stone) mm d100 63.5 50 52 50 50 d 90 45 27 41 22 21 d 80 36 22 32 20 17 d 50 19 15 18 14 10 Table 4.This kind of impact stone crusher is a kind of hig h-efficient strong coarse and mid crushing equipment we company produced .And the an ti

